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LRM Packages

Our Packages

LRM Packages

There are different types of program available to suit the requirement of business. For a brief ;


Gold package



Platinum package



VVIP package



Silver Package

  1. Local address
  2. Dedicate what’s app number for the company
  3. Dedicate email address for the company
  4. One page on our website
  5. One page or relevant details can be added in your website
  6. Information about all local promotions, business news, educational policies, and relevant details will be shared timely
  7. Office or cabin can be arranged (for no of hours in a month) if someone is visiting Dubai/UAE
  8. Name place or details of institution can be displayed
  9. Charges for silver package for your organisation in Dubai/UAE starts from AED 1500.

Gold Package

  1. Local address
  2. Dedicate what’s app number for the company
  3. Dedicate email address for the company
  4. One page on our website
  5. One page or relevant details can be added in your website
  6. Information about all local promotions, business news, educational policies, and relevant details will be shared timely
  7. 10 hours personal sitting in office or cabin (for 10 hours in a month) if someone is visiting Dubai/UAE
  8. Name place or details of institution can be displayed
  9. All arrangements for the travel, stay, business can be arranged (information and assistance is inclusive). This is an additional feature so cost will be born by university. We will assist you to get the entire information and execution.
  10. Information about Middle East countries - business development activities
  11. Whatever is being done for UAE, will be conducted for Middle East region
  12. Charges for silver package for your organisation in Dubai/UAE starts from AED 2500.

Platinum Package

  1. Local address
  2. Dedicate what’s app number for the company
  3. Calling number can be arranged - based upon requirement and need
  4. Dedicate email address for the company
  5. One page on our website
  6. One page or relevant details can be added in your website
  7. Information about all local promotions, business news, educational policies, and relevant details will be shared timely
  8. 15 hours personal sitting in office or cabin (for 15 hours in a month) if someone is visiting Dubai/UAE
  9. Name place or details of institution will be displayed in top order.
  10. All arrangements for the travel, stay, business can be arranged (information and assistance is inclusive). This is an additional feature so cost will be born by university. We will assist you to get the entire information and execution.
  11. Information about Middle East countries - business development activities
  12. Information about GCC and North Africa - business development activities
  13. Whatever is being done for UAE, will be conducted for Middle East,GCC and North Africa region
  14. Charges for silver package for your organisation in Dubai/UAE starts from AED 3500.

Additional services or arrangements

We help you weather today's uncertainty through our best team.


Customer Service

The bee's knees cockup loo cracking goal hotpot bits and bobs a load of old tosh bubble and squeak arse over tit twit, excuse my French bevvy Eaton argy-bargy amongst codswallop.

Acquisitions Finance Consulting
Private Placement Consulting
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Customer Service

The bee's knees cockup loo cracking goal hotpot bits and bobs a load of old tosh bubble and squeak arse over tit twit, excuse my French bevvy Eaton argy-bargy amongst codswallop.

Acquisitions Finance Consulting
Private Placement Consulting
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Customer Service

The bee's knees cockup loo cracking goal hotpot bits and bobs a load of old tosh bubble and squeak arse over tit twit, excuse my French bevvy Eaton argy-bargy amongst codswallop.

Acquisitions Finance Consulting
Private Placement Consulting
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Customer Service

The bee's knees cockup loo cracking goal hotpot bits and bobs a load of old tosh bubble and squeak arse over tit twit, excuse my French bevvy Eaton argy-bargy amongst codswallop.

Acquisitions Finance Consulting
Private Placement Consulting
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Customer Service

The bee's knees cockup loo cracking goal hotpot bits and bobs a load of old tosh bubble and squeak arse over tit twit, excuse my French bevvy Eaton argy-bargy amongst codswallop.

Acquisitions Finance Consulting
Private Placement Consulting
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Customer Service

The bee's knees cockup loo cracking goal hotpot bits and bobs a load of old tosh bubble and squeak arse over tit twit, excuse my French bevvy Eaton argy-bargy amongst codswallop.

Acquisitions Finance Consulting
Private Placement Consulting
Get Started

Customer Service

The bee's knees cockup loo cracking goal hotpot bits and bobs a load of old tosh bubble and squeak arse over tit twit, excuse my French bevvy Eaton argy-bargy amongst codswallop.

Acquisitions Finance Consulting
Private Placement Consulting
Get Started

Customer Service

The bee's knees cockup loo cracking goal hotpot bits and bobs a load of old tosh bubble and squeak arse over tit twit, excuse my French bevvy Eaton argy-bargy amongst codswallop.

Acquisitions Finance Consulting
Private Placement Consulting
Get Started

These can be discussed case to case. Charges or pricing will depends upon time, resources and conditions.


Modus Operandi

How does it work ? The following are the step to begin LR or to become the part of it -

1. First round of discussion with authority or concern person
2. Understand and decide type of module of LR to get ahead
3. Decide what all activities to be added and what goal to achieve
4. Sign an agreement/MOU for a year
5. Payment to be made in one/four cheques


Payment will be made in AED (Dirham) as per UAE law.
Payment has to be made in advance by cheque or bank transfer or wire. .
It should be paid in four cheques. .
If it is paid in one cheque, charges will be applicable for 11 months only. .
5 percent VAT is applicable to all invoices.

Agreement : MOU

Agreement will be for one year (minimum)
In all the cases the jurisdiction will be at Dubai

Do you have any question? Feel free to contact us.